Title / Escrow Assistance
During a home purchase, the title company has many duties; verifies the property’s legal ownership, conducts a title search to identify any liens or claims, provides title insurance to protect against future disputes, manage the escrow account, handle the transfer of funds, and ensure all documents are properly signed and recorded. I will partner/communicate will the title representative to facilitate a smooth closing process.
Title / Escrow Assistance | Buyer Services
Review Title Documents
Ensure Buyer receives title documents and answer questions / advise as needed.
Home Warranty
If a home warranty is part of the transaction, will ensure warranty is ordered and provide confirmation of order to Buyer.
inform you of deadlines as stated in the Contract.
The real estate purchase contract has many deadlines. I will remind you of deadlines and ensure you are not violating any terms.
Ensure Accuracy of Settlement Statement
Will review Settlement Statement which outlines all the financial aspects of a real estate transaction.
Signing Loan Documents
Will be present for signing of loan documents at the title company.
Explain the title process during the transaction
A title company provides you services during the home buying process. I will partner with the escrow officer and assist in providing information as needed.
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